<aside> 💡 The following information is subject to change based on specific requirements and circumstances. While every effort has been made to provide accurate and up-to-date content, please note that the details provided are subject to modification, revision, or adjustment as needed


Week 1-5

Programing Basics

Introduction to Java: A beginner's guide to Java programming language, covering its basic syntax, features, and principles, providing a solid foundation for further development.

Variables & Data Types: An exploration of variable declaration, initialization, and usage in Java, along with an introduction to different data types such as integers, strings, booleans, and more.

Operators & Conditional Statements: A study of operators and their usage in Java, including arithmetic, relational, logical, and assignment operators, along with conditional statements like if-else, switch-case, and ternary operators.

Functions, Objects, Classes: A comprehensive overview of functions, objects, and classes in Java, focusing on creating reusable code through methods, defining objects, and organizing code into classes for better modularity and maintainability.

Data Structures & Algorithms

Strings: A deep dive into string manipulation and handling in programming, covering topics such as string concatenation, substring extraction, searching, and various string manipulation techniques.

Arrays - Single & Multi-Dimensional: A comprehensive exploration of arrays in programming, including both single and multi-dimensional arrays. Topics covered include array declaration, initialization, accessing elements, looping through arrays, and performing operations on array data.

Key Value Pairs: A discussion on key-value pairs, a fundamental concept in data structures and programming, exploring the relationship between keys and corresponding values. This topic covers dictionary-like data structures and their applications.

Brute Force: A study of the brute force algorithmic approach, which involves systematically trying all possible solutions to find the desired outcome. This topic covers its applications in problem-solving, optimization, and exploring alternatives when more efficient algorithms are not available.

Week 6-10

Manual Testing

Software Engineering Understanding the principles and practices of software development. Software Testing Focusing on the process of testing software to ensure its quality and functionality. Test Design Techniques Learning how to create effective test cases and strategies for comprehensive testing.

Core Java

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts Grasping the fundamentals of OOP, which is crucial for Java development. Constructors Exploring how to create and use constructors to initialize objects. Method Overriding Understanding how to redefine methods in a subclass. Inheritance Implementation Learning how to create hierarchical relationships between classes. Dynamic Method Dispatch Exploring the concept of method resolution at runtime. Abstraction Understanding how to create abstract classes and methods. Exception Handling Dealing with errors and exceptions in Java programs.

Automation Testing - Selenium